Monday, June 23, 2014

The ultimate CS:GO resource guide by eeetoh

I'm a new player to the scene, and when I was doing research on how to get better, I found that there was no "hub" for information and resources, I decided to make it.

Adren - Varied content and lots of guides.
CoreHaven - Varied content and lots of guides.
PureBlue - Grenade spots.
TheWarOwl - Shoutcasts of high-level games and guides on important CSGO topics.
NetcodeIlluminati - Miscellaneous useful guides.
3KliksPhilip - Weapon comparison guides and other videos.
NaToSaphiX - Guides and other videos.
Playcasters - Guides and other videos.
HattonGames - Guides and other videos.

Autoexec CFG - Autoexec settings. Tweak to your liking. (Credits: CoreHaven)
Bot Deathmatch CFG - Simply type "exec botdm" in the console once you want to begin. (Credits: CoreHaven)
Grenade Practice CFG - Simply type "exec nade" in the console once you want to begin.
PCGamer's Configuration Guide - Tips on how to increase your CSGO playability.
Crosshair Generator - Generate and customize a crosshair to your liking.
If you want to have no crosshair outline, replace "cl_crosshair_outline_draw 0" with "cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0".
If you want a non-dynamic crosshair, change "cl_crosshairstyle 2" to "cl_crosshairstyle 4".

HLTV - CSGO discussion and links to lots of useful streams.
KnifeRound - A collection of useful guides on topics such as tactics, weapons, and maps.
CSGO Like A Pro - Basic guide on CSGO tactics.
OperationL2P - Website dedicated to grenade spots.
NetcodeGuides - Tons of useful guides for everything CSGO.
Competitive Map Callouts - Maps with names. Memorize them!
CSGO Calendar - A great website for checking when CSGO events are happening.
Tips from /u/killinginthenameo - General playing tips.
/r/CSGO_NadeTactics - Discovering and sharing grenade spots and tactics.
/r/RecruitCS - Find a team or friends to play matchmaking with here!
/r/CSGOCritic - Get your demo reviewed or review a demo to help redditors improve their play.
/r/GlobalOffensive's "Newbie Tuesday" Threads - Frequently asked questions.

Source: GlobalOffensive 

1 comment:

  1. Get the dices rolling on this gamble site:
