Friday, August 14, 2020

Almost all Yone mechanics in less than 3 minutes - League of Legends by Flügerl

 Almost all Yone mechanics in less than 3 minutes

I made a video guide for Yone, the in of the Stained Blade, showcasing mechanics and ability combinations.

Here is the Video(8k 60fps btw :D):

And here are some written notable tips/mechanics:

  • You can Q3 flash for a knockup very much like J4 with his E>Q knockup combo.
  • You can flash out of your Q3 animation and input other attacks/movements very much like you can do with Caitlyn E.
  • Weaving in auto attacks between your abilities is crucial to maximize dps.
  • You can use Q3 from melee range to get behind your opponent, which allows you to place your E further down his escape path.
  • You can not recall while E is active.
  • You can use Stopwatch to extend your maximum E duration a bit. That might be useful if someone times a skillshot aiming your ghost, like one would do against Ekko.
  • You can Q flash very much like Yasuo.
  • Yone has 3 dashes(4 if you count E2) but he isn't invulnerable during any of those. You might die during E2.
  • Due to his passive Yone's 0/10 powerspike might be as strong as Yasuo's
  • Yone does not have a Windwall...



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