Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Fortnite Battle Royale - Useful Tips for New Players & Things to Consider by Sandpit_RMA

I just wanted to pass along some tips I've learned on my own, some I've picked up from other players, and some I've picked up playing PUBG.
Doors: Doors should be the first thing you pay attention to when approaching a building. Doors always start closed. If a door is open, someone has been there or is currently there. I typically close doors behind me and when leaving a building. This means if another player runs through the area they're more likely to waste time looking through a building I've already looted.
Building: Remember, there are actually several shapes and objects you can build. By holding circle while in the building UI you can edit whatever you're currently building. So if you're putting up a wall, "deleting" the two squares in the center creates a door. Make sure to experiment with the different shapes you can use, some are going to be more effective than others. Even if you're not interested in getting "fancy" with your builds, practice this portion. It WILL become part of any meta in the future and having the muscle memory and ability to quickly switch in and out of build mode will help you immensely.
Map: Learn the map. This one just takes time and experience. Learn the landmarks on the map so that you don't have to bring up your map to get an idea of where you're at.
Markers: Use your markers! Even if you're dropping solo, use your markers. Placing a marker at the location you're heading to ensures you can easily track your direction and keep you from getting distracted and turned around
Pick your fights wisely: You just saw an enemy running across a field. Should you engage? There's a lot of factors to consider. What weapon do they currently have out? Is it better range than what you've got? What's the terrain look like? Are you at an advantage for cover, height, etc.? Just because you see someone doesn't mean you have to or even should engage. Don't blindly fire at everyone you run across. You're just going to wind up giving away your location more often than not.
Relocate: I know bushes tend to be real popular at the moment, but camping a single spot after shooting at someone typically isn't a great idea, with a few exceptions. It's not hard to locate other players based on sound in this game. It may not exactly pinpoint you, but it will draw attention to the cover areas in your vicinity making people more actively scan for you. You don't have to run across the map to relocate, but moving to another area in your general vicinity is much better than sitting in a single spot the entire time tactically.
Traps: There's a lot of... well let's just say not everyone agrees that they're useful. Me personally, I believe any item in the game that causes damage to an enemy opponent is useful. Use them. Place them in unexpected areas. I don't think, at least right now, they're very useful in late game, but early and mid game is where you can find some utility for them. Even if a trap doesn't secure a kill or knockdown, that still creates a situation where a player has to use healing items from the inventory.
Barrier: One popular tactic is to actually hang out outside of the barrier perimeter in mid and early games. You'll need a lot of bandages though. You should know the DPS of the barrier at your current stage. First = 1dps, Second = 2dps, and so on. Getting caught in the barrier isn't a death sentence and as long as you don't panic you'll have little to worry about most times. Unless you got distracted and are just too far to make it to the new area. Every round I see "Downed by the storm" a few times. Don't let this be you! (Remember to use those markers)
Early Game: This is usually the most frantic portion of the game (with end of round being the exception sometimes) Learning and knowing the map is probably one of the most important things to do for early game. It allows you to know where to land, when to jump, what to expect, and where to start running after you hit the ground. You should be moving and collecting at this stage. Picking fights is entirely up to you at this point. This is what I consider the "run and gun" stage.
Mid Game: After the circle has been established and the timer has started ticking down it's time to start thinking about where you want to be when that circle closes. You should have a couple of your preferred weapons at this point. You want to try and make it to this point as unscathed as possible. This is where things start getting scarce and you're more likely to be drawn into firefights. The important thing to remember here is keeping an eye on the circle and timer. Know your area and how to get to the next one.
Late Game: This is the point where hopefully you're running around stalking and being stalked by the last 20 players or so. At this point you're playing a more "traditional" FFA style game on a relatively small map (as the circle closes). Range starts becoming less of a factor as the circle size decreases. You should have at least 2 locations in your mind at this point inside the circle. This is where you'll need to start making decisions about fortifications. Do you build and defend? Do you run and gun? Do you camp and wait? Most of this is going to simply depend on your personal play style, skills, and situation at the time.
This is not by ANY means a comprehensive list or deep strategies. Just some tips I think might help new players get acclimatized to the game, the mode, and the objective. Hopefully you'll find something useful to help you get that umbrella!

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