Friday, September 15, 2017

League of Legends - Basic Fundamental ADC Tips for you really low elo ADCs by thechuckcharles

So I've been "elo helping" a few friends of mine at the end of the season to help them reach their goal of gold. and while playing down here in the depths of silver I have seen the same problems over and over.
People neither know how to play ADC nor do they know how to play WITH an ADC. And that is a pretty big problem.
So I wanted to share with you young aspiring low elo ADC mains some of my VERY BASIC tips. But they are essential to understanding your role and how to climb with it.

Farm is important but not THAT important. In every single game I see ADCs overvaluing their CS numbers and farm. they are basically never at any fight until its already over at which point the enemy team just piles on them for a quick kill since they have no front line or teammates to play around. Sometimes they clean up, but more often than not they get blown the fuck up instantly. Get your farm, but be at fights. This extends to objectives as well. If your team is sieging a tower and you see a huge wave crashing bot, its likely a fight will break out at that siege. Unfortunately you gotta give up that wave. Obviously when you can go for the wave and no fight is imminent. Do so. But otherwise be with your team. Last game I was in my ADC back to catch a wave at our tower when we were going to try to end the game (One down on enemy team so it was 4 v 5).

BE PATIENTYou will get your chance to deal damage. You will! I promise. But just wait a bit. Even a few seconds while you assess threats to you. Use your brain, you aren't stupid. You just aren't thinking. Think about what could kill you, cc you, and play around that. Wait for major cooldowns to be used and go in to deal damage. Too often I see an over eager ADC just go in the moment a fight starts and get piled on and deleted right at the start.

Likewise, don't be a complete pussy eitherThis is the balance you will learn, but ADCs down here are usually one of the two extremes, either they explode immediately or they stand back and only auto very obvious targets that are easy to hit like a tank that has no cooldowns running away from their team. You have to deal damage. you have to go in and not be scared, if you are doing the 2nd tip and being patient, you will have a window where you can attack. And you have to go for it.You will learn through calculated aggression when is a good time to go in and when isn't. If you die you should think about why you died. But don't just be a pussy. If you are too scared you aren't really on your team. ADCs in silver often are at the bottom of the damage charts, even below supports sometimes.

Adjust your builds for the game. This is pretty basic, but I see it too often that people just have cookie cutter builds they follow. Every champion has 2-3 core items but after that an ADC can basically adapt their build to the game. An example is twitch. His core is IE/Hurricane. For trist, you got your IE/Shiv/RFC. Sivir you got Ie/zeal item/ER.
Your lifesteal item? could be mercurial if there is key cc that can get you, especially point and click cc like Malzahar/Lissandra. Maw of malmortius is a god send if you are getting deleted instantly. I have played AP Blitz support in low elo because the enemy ADC will refuse to build mr even if I'm not the only magic damage on my team. Even after I delete them multiple times in the game they STILL won't buy magic resist. Get a hexdrinker at the very least and likely a maw. Armor pen is also important. if you are against 3 true tanks, build that shit earlier than you normally would. Likely 3rd item. Bork is also really good on any ADC if you are against tanks. Just in the c9 vs clg series you saw Stixxay straight up sell BT for bork realizing he had to kill the tanks. GA is invaluable as well. TLDR, just build on what you are against and what you need.

Don't just blindly push. This one is a bit more advanced I suppose, but don't just push your waves brainlessly. If you do this you are constantly over extended and gankable. Every game in this elo I see the same shit. Its push vs push. Whoever pushes harder thinks they are winning, then they get ganked and die. Whoever doesn't push harder doesn't get ganked and likely wins lane just because they aren't being ganked. Basically, only last hit and do your best to keep the wave either in the middle and on your side. So don't just keep autoing and using abilities on the wave to push the enemy in. Only do that if you need to thin the wave or you are pushing them in to tower so you reset the wave and/or you can back.

Look at your fucking minimap, especially during lane phase. If mid goes missing and you are overextended back off. Lose the cs, lose the exp if you must(you can usually stay far enough back to back off if they show up but still in exp range). If mid is missing they could be coming to gank your overextended booty. Likely with the jungler. Often times I see adcs say down here "wow 4 bot, 5 bot, ugh this happens every game" and its like no shit it happens every game you aren't looking. Many times I have even pinged that the mid lane is missing, backed off myself, only for my adc to stay forward, and get blown up by the enemy mid in a gank. If you don't know where the enemy jungler and/or mid are you can't play aggressive and you shouldn't be pushing blindly. Just look at your map, infer where the enemy is, if they could be coming for you back off until you see them again. Its better lose some cs/exp than to die and lose it anyway.

That's all I got for now, and note that I don't want this to sound condenscending. but I just want to help out a lot of the major key mistakes I see from you aspiring adc players out there.

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