Hello everybody,
As a player with hundreds of games in this BR mode I just wanted to share my thoughts with you on some things.
First I want to say that this game is the only one I play atm. Before it came out, I played a lot of different games but with F:BR it changed - that is how good it is already.
I played alot of H1Z1 (over 1000h) and pubg (over 1000h) and while I enjoyed both, I always had the feeling that they are really unfinished and that I miss something in every single match.
When F:BR came out I played it and feeled so relaxed. There was basically no bug, no lag, no bad game experience in general! That was completely new to me! I could enjoy it from minute one until now and I sure will enjoy it the next months.
Sure there are a couple of tweaks and features that are still missing, but nothing to great of a deal.
If I had to rate this game I would rate it 11/10 for sure. And it's free! A gamer dream come true!
Here are my solo Q tips for newer players:
- in your first games get used to the pickaxe first; land in a less crowded area, use it and destroy some things to get used to it
- the pickaxe does 11 damage per hit to ppl; don't land and try to kill somebody pubg-style - go find a gun first
- hit the blue circle with your pickaxe to destroy things faster
- in your first games play around with the construction mechanic: build some stairs, walls and doors with different materials; it will win you games if you do so and loses you games if you don't; to make a door in your wall (PC): Q (for building) > G (for editing) > remove middle and bottom middle tile > confirm = you made a wall with a door
- if you have to cross an open field in order to get to the safe zone and you get shot, don't try to reach cover like in pubg, BUILD IT! :) it is really fast to build a wall: just press Q and confirm with left mouse
- different material has different sturdiness with metal being the sturdiest followed by stone and wood
- different material has different building times with wood being the fastest followed by stone and metal
- you dont have to wait for a stair to be finished, just place it and you immediatelly can step on it even it is is still under construction!
- metal walls can absorb the most bullets before it breaks
- if you just build a wall its construction is'nt finished instant but it immediately blocks line of sight (somewhat), pathing and a couple of bullets or even a rocket; use that knowledge to protect you from heavy fire or to block the enemy from chasing you in buildings
- you need 10 wood to build a single part of whatever you want
- always try to carry at least 100-200 wood since it is really easy to farm (trees, fences, etc)
- some objects are one-hit with your pickaxe! if you know which you can use that to your advantage in case you run from an enemy and have no gun and no ressources to wall him out of sight, try to destroy small one-hit-objects like a chair, big garage door, wooden fence, cupboard, cabinet, salad in fields or some other small object to generate 10 ressources fast and wall your enemy out of sight quickly
- use traps! try to find more than one trap and get used to it how you switch between them (for PC players the standard key bind to switch between floor and wall trap is: Q > f5 > T)
- be careful if you build stairs or buildings to highly - enemies can shot them and you will fall to death
- only sniper bullets have a travel time and bullet drop
- loot chests make a "shiny" noise! the closer you are the louder it gets; that way you can locate it even through walls!
- running makes the loudest noise, crouching without running the least noisy sound (good for sneaking)
- you can destroy EVERYTHING with your pickaxe AND with your guns and rockets and grenades; cover is only as good as the enemies explosives and bullets; use that to your advantage in gun fights
- while dropping from the battle bus don't fly while looking to the horizon, it's not the fastest way to reach a far destination - try to drop in an 20°-30° angle instead
- if you want to reach a very far destination to loot open up your glider early, that way you can reach every point on the map regardless how far away it may be from the bus
- there are no "best" looting spots; you can get good loot in every single house on the map even if you drop in a single house somewhere in nowhere
- if you have trouble to loot a player: switch to your pickaxe and loot the bullets that way; you can't pick up guns when you have your axe out and wont switch guns
- running adds a little dusty graphic effect to you and everybody else can see it too! If you run on an open field a far distant player cant hear you but he can easily spot you because of that! try not to run all time or use cover to disguise the dust you make
- in nearly every house are ammo boxes! they are dark green and small; they are key to win in gunfights because you wont run out of ammo that fast; I always check buildings even if they are "looted" because everybody ignores the ammo boxes; it's kinda insane
- late game everybody builds a base... while sometimes its a good idea to do so I have the feeling that it is a giant "throw explosives here"-sign to everybody; I won by far the most games without building a base but to use natural cover to disguise my position instead; I only build late game when I am in a situation of acute danger to safe my butt
- there is NO free look in this game! take advantage of that and sneak up on people! They DONT have eyes in the back :)
- you can drop bullets and bandages from your inventory to share it with friends
- JUMP in close combat gunfights and use a shotgun doing so!
- use the construction mechanic to confuse your opponent in town fights! if you get hunted build a stair to a roof and walk around a corner; your enemy now has to consider more optoins and you are more likely to win the hide and seek minigame
- if you chase an enemy through a town, try build stairs to get on rooftops and jump down the other side to cut of his path
- there is falling damage in the game so be careful
- if you have to get of off a mountain fast, dont just hope to survive the drop, use your building mechanic and build stairs left and right while dropping down on them at the hillside; it is really fast and safe since your are somewhat protected if you get shot from above
- use bushes! they are really op!
- shoot to kill, not to fight! honstly I can understand if you want to have the most fun and action possible but if you want to win, dont shoot everything you see!!! even with the accuracy buffs to all assault rifles, they are still quite bad in long distance fights; usually you have only a few bullets at the start of the game, so use them wisely and only if you have a high chance of securing a kill to get more bullets
- somebody camps in a building? destroy it with explosives! he will regret his playstyle fast
- the fastest way to collect metal is cars and bridges but be careful destroying a metal object may be louder than destroying a tree!
- some cars have an alarm system! careful if you are not sure you are alone in that area
- orange > purple > blue > green > white is the quality of guns
- the higher the quality of a gun the more accurate the gun and ofc the higher the damage!
- you can't edit a structure created by an enemy
- crouching without moving gives you the best accuracy
- moving while aiming will reduce your accuracy; more so, if you strafe on top of that
- Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher are quite rare. If you find one, keep it. Their value in late game situations is unbelievable!
- In some close combat situations your can rocket-kill an enemy with a rocket launcher and survive. To do so you need to shoot the ground behind your enemy. He is closer to the impact and will take way more damage and dies instantly - if you have a shield potion you are more likely to survive that obv
- high ground is really valuable; if the circle gets smaller try to build your way up on a hill and destroy the last two of your stairs behind you (maybe with a rocket); that way you have a huge advantage and can get down fast if needed
- the burst rifle is stronger than you think in mid range fights!
- you CANT rocket jump in this game! FeelsBadMan
- if you are in the storm, the damage will cancel the loot animation!
- if you are in the storm, the damage will not cancel healing!
- if you are in the storm, you still can loot if you start the looting shortly after you took damage!!!
- shield potions will not protect you from the storm or falling damage
- try to move with the circle to avoid getting shot in the back
- use crouch moving as often as possible!
- the scoped assault rifle has hit scan like all the other guns except sniper rifles - that is why the scoped AR is considered op at its current state
- sequisha has the most sexy stache on the twitch! check his stream on twitch if you want to see a really good F:BR player
Things they should NEVER add:
Vehicles faster than a bicycle You read it right. I am not one of those players who is against vehicles entirely but if they add some they shouldnt be faster than a bicycle. Just a little faster (maybe 30%) than running speed.
Free-look mechanic I know a lot of streamers and players want that but honestly: it would completely ruin this game! Right now you HAVE to be really careful when you walk around or camp. You just can't run in one direction and look backwards to check your surroundings. If you want to do so you need to slow down a bit and actively turn around your cam. The other aspect of a missing free-look mechanic is the fact that sneaking up on somebody is actually possible. If you ever change that, people are more likely to camp without great risk because they know that sneaky players can't be sure where the enemy is looking at. Right now you know for sure that an enemy who turned his back to you has no idea where you are. That is a REALLY great thing in a 3rd person game! Please keep it that way.
Louder crouching sound Yes, I know, a lot of you guys think that it is "op" that crouching is that quiet but honestly, if you tune up the crouch volume you take away the sneakier playstyle and reward camping even more! In pubg the crouching is really really loud and you basically can't sneak up on somebody, unless there is a plane, gunfight, car or airstrikes covering up your sounds. That rewards campers and discourages players who want to try to push/sneak up to a house/base or whatever somebody uses to hide/camp/defend. I know reallife arguments in games are pretty stupid but I will make one just for this case: Imagine you sneaking up on your boy- or girlfriend to scare them. You don't even crouch and you are barely hearable if you are careful. But ok, reallife argument, I know but speaking game balance: It's just not right to give campers even more advantages. Let them be in fear at least.
I hope you had a good time reading and maybe it helped newer players!
i have some Fornite secret tips too..