Friday, November 27, 2020

Tips for ADC Players - League of Legends by CareBig

 Tips for ADC Players, especially low elo

Yo, what's up. Just wanted to share some of the knowledge I have on how to play ADC right about now. I'm not perfect, but these are just a few tips that I know work well, especially in low elo.

Level 2 All Ins

I'm sure you're familiar with the idea of a level 2 all in - you try to fight the enemy bot lane if you're level 2 and they aren't. It's especially potent in bot lane where there's 2x the advantage, meaning that almost all level 2 all-ins give you some kind of guaranteed advantage, whether that be health, a summ, or even a kill if you can do it in time. That being said, be careful when you're doing this - it's not always a guaranteed advantage. Know that Draven Nautilus at level 1 can possibly beat Ezreal Sona at level 2 with a decent hook onto the Sona and an ignite, if Ezreal can't focus Draven safely.

Another important for Level 2 All Ins is to start walking up before you get level 2 when you know you'll get it first. This almost always works in low elo when people aren't thinking about it until they see you actually get it. Because level 2 in bot lane is first wave + 3 melees, you should start walking up (tell your supp to do this if you're on vc) when you're killing the 2nd or 3rd melee, so that when you get level 2, you're already cutting them off and you'll definitely get some sort of advantage from the level 2 play.

I love doing this especially on champs like Kaisa/Jhin that can kill/chunk you to 1/3 hp with level 2 advantage.

Know What Champions Do What

I kinda hate seeing these types of tips on this sub so I won't bore you, but this is important when it comes to how to play against certain champs.


Against hook champs, when there are only a couple casters left, just back up - it's worth missing the CS than 50-50ing the hook, which will usually force you to burn a summ if it hits. Similarly, just respect the Leona engage if she's on you.

Don't try to trade with really good trading champs like Nami - you'll get fucked over really fast. Just wait for your support to do something before you try to trade or fight.

Against poke champs, it's very very very worth rushing Tier 1 boots. Trust me. The difference is huge.


Caitlyn is a bitch to deal with, but here's how I like to deal with her:

Your health is a resource. Besides pushing for level 2, where you can take maybe one or two autos, just try to only last hit minions and try to get CS when Caitlyn goes for CS. Caitlyn can't 1v1 trade that well cause most of her quick trades are just with a single auto, so if you're in auto range of her and your support is in position to respond to a 2v2, hit that bitch back, like with a MF, Jhin, Kaisa Auto Q. When this happens, try not to run unless Caitlyn herself backs up or if your support won't help you in time, or if the enemy jungler is coming bot.

Know that MF wants to get a Q crit on you, so don't stand behind low HP minions.

Jinx and Tristana want to poke you by autoing/last hitting minions.

Tristana has really good burst - careful when she's level 2/3, and know that non-duelist champs like Jhin and Cait will usually just die to her in a 1v1, even if she's a little behind. This holds even truer when she brings hail of blades.

Twitch loves to go into fog of war or a bush and then Q, and then surprise you with his W slow. Don't walk up past the beginning line of the bot river if he is missing and didn't just back, and try not to play side lane when he's not on the map.

Stand away from a wave that can get Jhin Q'd and do extra damage.

Don't be afraid to poke and trade

A lot of lower elo players don't really understand this concept too well, which is why you can really abuse it. The key concept of it is that when someone is CSing, the fact that they're stuck in the animation gives you a window to land an auto or an auto Q on some champs. Caitlyn's laning playstyle revolves around this: she can hit you when you CS, and you cannot respond because she was already so far away and is now backing up. This also applies to people autoing wards or Draven going to pick up an axe, though I would be careful with the second. He can gap close really fast with W and E.

Trading is something you should only really do if it's applicable. Here are a few instances -

You're shielded or buffed - Especially with Lulu, Janna, or Nami, being shielded or buffed can do some serious damage if you apply your trading pattern, like Lucian/Kaisa/MF/Jhin Auto Q.

Enemy just used key cooldowns - Mostly applies to the support, unless its someone like Trist who has no E. If a hook or a shield is down, try to trade with the adc.

Enemy can't hit their hook - If a Blitz/Thresh/Naut can't hit the hook and your support can help you 2v1 trade with the adc, you can try and trade.

Focus the ADC in a 2v2

Say your support gets hooked, but you're both still full HP. You shouldn't try to run away immediately. Now that they have no real catch on you, you should look to fight back, because if your support can get something like a good Nami bubble, you can turn the engage pretty easily. However, when anything like this happens, you need to focus on the ADC. The support will deal less damage and can probably tank more if they have something like Leona W or Aftershock, so look to use your abilities on the ADC. If you can't get to the ADC safely, just auto the support and pray that you can discourage them from attacking more. However, focusing the ADC can often win you all ins, because you are getting free damage on them while they're focusing your support.

That being said, make sure not to overstep, making it the enemy ADC and support 2v1ing you while your support can't do much. I made a similar mistake in a game as Kaisa/Sona vs Varus/Pyke. I had a sizeable health advantage and Sona got a nice ult on Varus while Pyke missed the hook, and I immediately E'd forward past the Pyke and began to auto the Varus. Sona didn't have her E and couldn't catch up with me, and was too far away to attack them, while Pyke was in melee range and could auto me freely while Varus could auto me as well. This actually ended up forcing me to burn heal in the end, while Varus just ran away. What I should have done then was just auto the Pyke in front of me and W for the true sight, and with the added damge from Sona and her buffs, we could probably just kill him. Pyke is just as squishy as Varus, if not squishier because of lower levels.

Rotations and Back Timings

Congratulations! Hopefully with these tips, you've killed the enemy bot lane. What do you do now?

In general, what you always want to do is push the wave and make sure that it crashes into tower, and then back. This makes sure that the enemy loses as many minions as possible when they're coming back to lane, makes sure you lose as little minions as possible when you're coming back to lane, and usually sets up a slow push towards you.

My general rule for getting plates are kind of vague, as it's more of a feeling, but - if you can push a wave, get plates, and back before the enemy comes back to lane, do so. But usually, it's better to get a better base timing than an extra 80 gold from a plate.

As for rotations, you should rotate to help your jungler at a skirmish unless the wave is pushing towards you, because losing a ton of cs to get 75 gold really isn't worth it.


In general, you should just hit what's in front of you and what's closest to you. I know it's tempting to go for the back line, but this season especially, tanks do a SHIT ton of damage, and having a bunch of people turn to kill you can lose your team fights. Just hit the most valuable target in front of you.

MOVE MORE. This is such an underrated thing. It's better to move more in between autos than to barely move and try to do max dps. Do like 2-3 autos and take a moment to look at the fight, then MOVE. You should always be kiting in a direction.

Don't look at the person you're autoing. It should take 1% of your brainpower to auto someone. You should always be looking at everyone else when you're autoing someone. Low elo ADCs always make the mistake of tunneling on something, and then because you're not looking, Morgana hits a free Q on you and the fight is lost.

ADC is especially hard to teamfight with now, where stepping the wrong way once is just death. Be careful and move more.

Mental (Yes, I know you hate these tips, but please read this)

I hate reading these long winded posts about mental on this sub, but this is important. You need to understand that ADC in low elo is, well, hard, and probably the hardest role to play at low elo. It can be challenging sometimes, especially in those games where you get the braindead support or the inting solo laners. Just remember that there will be some games that you just can't carry on, but think about everything that you could have done better. I've noticed that even in the games where I get frustrated at having an inting team when I'm fed, I make a lot of positioning mistakes that could have won the game or turned fight.

I wish you the best of luck.


Friday, November 20, 2020

The complete guide for overall improvement in League of Legends by SirBlack404

 The complete guide for overall improvement in League of Legends

There are almost 500K summoner's in this subreddit learning League. So I wanted to write a post that anyone can simply understand and learn. I'll write this post topic by topic (topics are bold) below. If anyone doesn't interested in some topic they can skip that topic and read other topics. But, I recommend you all to read this full post because, it will change the way you play and you will eventually start to enjoy the game. This post is for players who are trying to climb. If anyone is play this game for fun you don't need to do everything in here. This post mostly focused low-mid elo. But some points in this post will help even challenger level players :) So let's begin!

1.Physical health & Mental health

Physical health is a must needed thing for gamers. If you are physically weak, you can't perform your best. In League of Legends you need high level Brain+Eyes+Ears+Hands coordination in order to play better. So if you are sick or physically ill, stop play League until you fully recover your physical health. The other thing is Mental health. Mental health is also a must needed thing in this game. If you are mentally suffering for things, you can't perform your best in this game. It is true that games can help you with your stress & things like that. But if you are playing for the improvement you have to sit down with a good mental health. If your mental health isn't at it's best, then stop play League until you recover your mental health. You can't perform well this good physical health + bad mental health or bad physical health + good mental health. Both of those things must be in good form in order to have better results in your games. If your physical health & mental health are not good at any moment just take a break from League. Do some other activities. Enjoy!

2.Hardware & Internet connection

Hardware & Internet connection do huge impact in your gameplay. Even if you have challenger level skill you could be stuck in diamond because of your Hardware & Internet connection. Play with a PC which can at least fulfill the minimum requirements for League. Play with a monitor with high refresh rate. For keyboard and mouse it depends on the player. There are lot of guides on youtube you can watch how to find the best components for you. Mouse sensitivity is a special thing. You need to find the best mouse sensitivity for you in order to stop inaccurate mouse movements. There are lot of guides on youtube for that too. Try to get a stable internet connection which is good for gaming. You need to have a connection with low ping without too much packet loss. Take a look at your local service providers and find the best one!

3.Sitting Posture

Sitting posture also can impact on your gameplay. If your table/chair is too high or too low, then you will feel uncomfortable. If your monitor height or the length between your eyes and monitor aren't perfect, then you will feel uncomfortable. So just try to adjust your table, chair and other peripherals until you feel comfortable. Even famous soloq star APDO (DOPA) never change his chair, table height. He set it all where he can feel comfortable. So he can completely focus on the game. If you aren't comfortable, your mind cannot focus your gameplay completely. Part of you mind give attention to the uncomfortable sitting posture and signals you to change it. So you change it every ten minutes and lose your perfect focus in to the game. Try to fix it!


If you have low end pc then use low level graphics. It will help you to prevent from FPS lags. If you have high end pc then use high level graphics. You will see a clean and clear ability animations which are helpful to dodge or combat. Turn off useless sounds. Some pro players mute ingame music while some players play with a playlist of their own. That is your choice. For controls, it is up to you. Find comfortable keys for your finger to move fastly. Standard QWER based controls are designed to match most players. Some players may have uncommon ways using the keyboard and mouse. They can always change the controls for their best fit. One of my friend using Shift+S+D+Space to replace standard QWER. So find YOUR BEST SETTINGS!

5.Patch notes

Before you play the game at least read main changes in the latest patch. Some items for some champs become stronger in some patches. Some champs who dominated previous patch can become useless in the current one. If you just jump into a game without knowing those things you will miss an opportunity to win an easy game. Take few minutes and read the patch notes!

6.Role & Champion Pool

If your aim is to improve but you aren't naturally good at this game please play one role. Even if you are naturally good at this game it is not an easy task to play few roles. Playing few roles make you equally good at all of them up to very low percentage. If you play one role you will get better at it five times faster than you play all the other roles. You can learn inside to outside about your role and climb faster than the one who play all the five roles. Same theory for the champions as well. If you play way too many champs you will not become good at any of them. If you play few champs, you will eventually feel comfortable and then you will start to improve. So pick one role. Keep secondary role which matches your main role for an emergency situation. Pick one comfortable champ (easy champ recommended for low elo) and only play that champ. If your champ isn't a good blind pick or a safe pick always keep a secondary pick which is a good blind pick!


SoloQ chat isn't a good thing to deal with. Specially in low-mid elo. If you cannot control yourself from looking at the chat, mute it. It will not do any good in low-mid elo. If you are a type of guy who can keep your cool in any situation just turn on chat because even in low elo sometimes chat can become useful to win games. In high elo chat is a worthy source to gather some information. If there is any kind of toxicity in chat, just try to ignore all of them. If you feel you are out of control after looking at chat just mute it. Even Faker mute his chat when bad things happen :D


When you are in the loading screen always try to think about your lane matchup and team matchup. Make your game plan while you are loading. Think what playstyle is better for this game. Question yourself, are we good at this or that. When you already have a plan ready for that game you will play it better than you do it without a plan.

9.Map Awareness

This is a most impactful thing in League. Try to look at the minimap whenever you can until end of the game. From doing that you can track your own jungler, enemy jungler and other enemy movements which can lead you to get a combat victory or an objective. Map awareness is a little mind game you can do while playing in the summoner's rift. One enemy miss-position you caught on minimap can help you to get a major objective or even end the game!


Main source of income in League of Legends is CS. Do a little math. If you miss 30 minions in 10 minutes just calculate the amount of the gold and xp you missed. Think what you can do if you had those 30 minions for your CS. Worth right? Don't miss cs. Don't give up a huge wave just for a kill which you can't get. Watch youtube. There are hundreds of videos about csing. Learn from them.

11.Wave Management

This the best way to punish an enemy if you know how to use it correctly. DOPA is a master in wave management. Try to watch him if you can. A good player who knows wave management can deny gold,xp from enemy players, can pressure a lane, can build good roam timers, can do better recalls, etc... A laner with a good wave management can drop all the morale of entire enemy team and pressure them. Watch and learn wave management on youtube.

12.Damage Trading

This is connected to the champion pool which I mentioned in number 6 topic. The more you know your champ, the more you can go in for trades. If you know the limits of your champ it is always easy to trade damage in lane. If you are still learning one champ just search and find videos for your champs trading patterns and timings. Good trades can force your enemy to respect you. If they fear you, then you can use 11.Wave Management wisely to punish them.


Honestly I had lot of things to talk about this. But sadly I'm not completely aware of new shop and items and the way those items work. So I think it is better to learn from other source ;)


This is different for all the five roles. So I recommend you to watch the warding guides for your own role. Any ways vision game is a thing like map awareness. Good vision can win you more games. You can punish enemies harder when you have proper vision. Don't just try to watch random vision guides. Try to watch in depth warding guides. That will help you to control the entire game!

15.Summoner Spells

Pick a spell if you can really use it to impact your gameplay. If a Renekton with ignite play under his own turret doesn't do any good to that game. If Malphite with TP only use it to get into lane doesn't do any good. Understand the concepts of spells. Use them wisely. Ask yourself why should I pick this or that spell. Can I use it wisely. If you have no idea about using them just watch guides.


This topic is connected to 9,11, and 14... All those topics help you to make a good roam. Master them. You will master this!

17.Objective focused gameplay

This is special for low elo. Low elo players completely ignore objectives sometimes. That is why low elo games take too long to end. You need objectives to win games. At least understand this... You can only win games by destroying the nexus or by enemy surrender. In order to destroy that nexus you must push turrets,inhebs.. You can't just aram mid and push to the end. Well, sometimes you can if you are far ahead. If not, you need powers from others sources like dragons, baron, elder. That means all those are connected with your victory. So if you want to win, just get them in one way or another. Don't force unnecessary fights if you are losing. This isn't a Team Death Match game. This is an objective focused game. So focus them and play around them.


This one is directly connected to the topic no.17. If there is going to be a fight just ask yourself three questions. What are the things we have to sacrifice for this fight. What will be the outcome of the fight. Does it worth for the sacrifices we made. If yes, then fight. Bring the glory to your team. If the answer is no. Then focus other objective and go for it. Of course you can take a risk and change the game. Take the risk if you aren't completely donating the game to enemies hands.

19.Push for the WIN!

If you have the lead. If you have the objective (Baron,Elder) just don't waste them. Try to force fights and pressure the enemy and push for your win. So many low elo players take all the objectives and yet they still doing mindless farming or running around map without ending the game. First understand why you play the game. What is the reason for playing the game if you don't put any effort to win it. Question your mind always. Ask yourself why am I doing this. What else should I do. This will help you to think about your game in entire different direction and stop autopiloting.

20.After the game

Look at your own stats. Look at your team stats. Look at your enemy team stats. Compare all of them to yours. Did you played better. If not, Take a minute and remember the way you played that game. Remember the mistakes you made. Ask yourself what to do in situations like that. If you can't find answers, ask someone who know about it or search it on youtube. That is how you improve. At last ask yourself am I ready for another game. Are you physically strong, Are you mentaly strong, Are you tilted, etc... If answers are for the negative side, don't play again. Take a break. If not, you won't improve. PLAY THE GAME WHEN YOU ARE READY TO PLAY IT!

That is all summoners. Hope you guys will learn something. Ask questions below in the comment section if you have. I'll answer them.


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Friday, November 13, 2020

HOW TO PLAY DIANA - Build & Runes - | League of Legends by Yeagerlol

 HOW TO PLAY DIANA SEASON 11 | NEW Build & Runes | Season 11 Diana guide | League of Legends

Season 11 beginner Diana guide with build, runes and combos. Learn how to get started with Diana here! ⇩ OPEN ME ⇩ 0:00 - Items and Runes 0:22 - Ability sequence 0:40 - How to play early game 2:10 - Basic combos guide 3:02 - Early phase continued 5:28 - Combo guide with ultimate 5:52 - What to do after level 6 10:54 - How to play Diana after laning phase ► Purchase RP here (Amazon Affiliate - NA): ► Get 3 months VPN for free with the annual package using my affiliate link: ★ Like & Subscribe for more educational content. Enabling the 🔔 means you will never miss a new video! Follow my socials here: ★ Follow me on Twitter: ★ Follow me on Twitch: ★Join my discord:

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Friday, November 6, 2020

5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Ashe - League of Legends by Frixen

 5 Tricks You Must Know Before Playing Ashe In 2 Minutes

Coaching Discord - Tips n Tricks for Ashe starters ►Please follow us on other platforms: Twitter - @Frixen_R2

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Friday, October 30, 2020

SERAPHINE advanced tips & tricks and combos - League of Legends by Cannon Minion

 SERAPHINE advanced tips & tricks and combos - League of Legends guide

AA: Auto Attack CC: Crowd Control (stun, root, fear...) AOE: Area of Effect MS: Movement Speed AS: Attack speed DPS: Damage Per Second MR: Magic Resistance ******************************************* Which champion do you want to see next? ******************************************* These are all the advanced tips and tricks you need to know to become an SERAPHINE master. This video will teach you a lot of things. Tips for Seraphine's passive. How to do the GhostE en GhostR? In this guide you will see tips and tricks and combos! These Seraphine combos are not hard to master but are pretty fun!

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Friday, October 23, 2020

10 Tips for Ezreal Players - League of Legends by MissFortuneDaBes

 10 Tips for Ezreal Players

Hey there, some of you might remember me from my ADC macro guide (If you missed it or want to refresh your memory, look here. As it seemed you found that kind of content on this sub helpful, I've decided to make some more. This time we move away from macro and look at individual champion's micro mechanics. Today, I got some Ezreal knowledge for you. I made a video version of the guide and also a text version if you don't want to watch.

Video guide:

Text version (works entirely without the video if you have a good imagination and some game knowledge):

Tip number 1:

The Summoner Spell Cleanse is normally completely useless against knock-up or displacement effects. Ezreal, however, can combo Cleanse into his E to escape regardless, because you still get rid of the stun-component of the enemy spell, and can then Arcane Shift away mid-air. The same can be accomplished with any item that removes stun effects, namely Quicksilver Sash and its upgrades.

Tip number 2:

Arcane Shift automatically causes Ezreal to always face his target. You can abuse this fact to get perfect aim with your skill shots, because after casting E within its cast range, your cursor will be placed exactly on top of Ezreal himself. And when your cursor is positioned like this, you will automatically fire your skill shots in the direction Ezreal is facing. So if you don’t move your mouse now, you can cast Q and R with perfect aim. This even works against enemies hidden in fog of war, and against enemies in true stealth, which means this trick allows you to still hit them with insane accuracy.

Tip number 3:

Here is something many people don’t know about Ezreal’s passive. While the tooltip states that Ezreal gets stacking bonus attack speed every time you hit a spell, you can actually get to maximum stacks instantly by hitting multiple enemies with the same spell. Because of this, you should always use your ultimate in the beginning of a team fight, so you get maximum damage output from your passive. You will even get a passive stack if your spell is absorbed by an enemy spell shield, so feel free to fire away.

Tip number 4:

Your E does not prioritize enemy champions, so connecting this spell against an opponent close to a minion wave is virtually impossible. You can obviously circumvent this fact by landing your W against them first, which causes your E to prioritize that enemy instead.

Tip number 5:

When you cast your ultimate, it actually doesn’t matter if the channel animation is completed or not. The spell will always go off, even if you get interrupted by enemy crowd control. This means you can also use your Flash to interrupt your own channel animation so you can dodge enemy attacks, while your ultimate will still fire from your original position.

Tip number 6:

You can animation cancel your E by using Flash during its cast time. This allows you to jump an insane distance while your enemies have virtually no chance to react.

Tip number 7:

While Ezreal’s kit is entirely damage focussed, your ultimate still has a utility aspect to it. The spell provides vision around its hitbox, so you can use it to gather valuable information if you suspect the enemy are doing Dragon or Baron.

Tip number 8:

Arcane Shift overrides any movement command, even if it comes from an enemy spell. Therefore, you can cast E right before you get hooked by the enemy support in order to cancel their hook and escape safely.

Tip number 9:

Ezreal’s Q is treated as both, a spell and an auto attack. This means it applies Ravenous Hunter, Life Steal, Muramana’s passive, Spellblades, on hit effects, Press the Attack, Duskblade, etc. It essentially applies everything you could have.

Tip number 10:

If there is an enemy trying to body block your Q for their ally, you can outplay them by animation cancelling your Q with your Flash. Q will always fire from your new position, which means using Flash during Q’s cast time allows you to drastically alter your angle, or even to add extra range without losing a single second.

GLHF and happy climbing! :)


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Friday, October 9, 2020

How to climb, improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes - League of Legends by Zen Coaching

 How to climb & improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes by a D1/Master NA/KR Player

Hello, I coach LoL/Master Tier fill player. I am currently in Korea attempting to hit grand-master tier. I have achieved the rank of 100LP in NA playing Mid/JG & D2 as ADC & Top. I also work for Blitz.GG as their League of Legends content scriptwriter (more releases on their channel soon on my work) Below I posted some videos, hopefully, to help people climb with the last few weeks of season 10 finishing up. The videos are fairly advanced for most of the viewer base (I say some things assuming the viewer already is adept at the game) so please feel free to ask questions.

The first video discusses how to have a game plan going into the game - sequencing waves and knowing what to do on each wave. In many cases, players will die on certain waves and not be able to determine why they ended up dying in the first place. Looking at previous waves and identifying the mistake can fix this and improve a player greatly. These sequences can also work in the side lanes (however may change slightly due to the lane being longer) - I can answer any questions about that if needed.

Wave Sequencing In The Early Game

Video #1: Wave Sequencing

The second video covers more advanced macro. Lane swaps, what to do after lane phase as each role, how to play around the objectives, bleed swaps, reading CS and knowing where to move relative to Jungle routes, understanding tempo, and much more.

Advanced Macro In LoL

Video #2: Advanced Macro in LoL

Good luck.


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