Friday, June 3, 2016

The Division - Things You NEED To Know about the division character stats ! 1.2 patch by bdragonz

Hello ladies and gentlemen
here today i want to talk about character stats and what maximum you can get for any stats and from what or where

let's start from the basic stats

  • the base status for level 30 character is 535 for each (firearms , stamina , electronics)
  • If you get 6 pieces of gear score 240 at maximum stats which is (678 X 6 = 4068) For the gear only (no mod yat)
I want to point out the Holster can get 1 or 2 more main Stats (firearms , stamina , electronics) ty for thank you for the people remind me that in comment ;)
  • the max armor native for the gear is 4067 (no additional major attribut and no mods implemented)
    you can have also more armor added on 4 pieces (chest, backpack, kneepads, holster) which is 2033
    so you can have the max armor amount of (native armor + additional attribut) 4067 + 2033 = 6100

max mods you can get is 8
  • 3 on Body Armor
  • 2 on Mask
  • 1 on Backpack
  • 1 on Knee Pads
  • 1 on Holster
  • 0 on Gloves
and max you get for every mod is 161 (somehow i get 162 from DZ06 drop)
so (161 X 8 = 1288) let's add this up (1288 + 4068 = 5356 + the base status 535 = 5891) <=== you can't go higher than that number in one stats
Cool to know ?

ok so what about (firearms , stamina , electronics) stats how it is work ?

for every one (1) stamina = 30 health
an example if you have 1000 stamina you get 30000 health
for firearms is way different it's actually depends on the weapon
is call (Damage scaling)
an example
  • For SMG AUG for each firearms point you get each 1.65 weapon Damage
  • For Shotgun M870 for each firearms point you get each 12.0 weapon Damage ( by the way this is the highest Damage scaling i find is 12 so you guys know )
this is a link for all the weapons (Damage scaling) and more
for electronics 1 electronics point gives 10 extra Skill Power (simple)

let talk now about critical chance

the base critical chance for level 30 character is 0
but from where you can get critical chance ?
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Mask (5% Max)
  • 2- Gloves (6% Max)
Gear Talents
  • Gloves (Savage) (Your Critical hit chance is increased by x% against targets out of cover.) 14% Max
Gear Mods
  • 4- 1.5 % for every mod and you can get 8 so (1.5% X 8 = 12% Max)
Weapon Talents
  • 5- Fierce (Critical hit chance is increased by x% when using this weapon) 8.5% Max
  • 6- Vicious (Critical hit chance is increased by x% while at full health) 13.5% max
  • 7- SMG only 25.5% Max
Weapon Mods
  • 8- Muzzle 8% Max
  • 9- Optics 8% Max
  • 10- Magazine 8% Max
in total you can get 95% from all and 108.5% against targets out of cover but I want to point out the critical chance cap is 60%
But pulse can add 40% Max (Mod:Tactical Scanner) so you can get 100% Critical hit chance with pulse
i add more Weapon Talents that give you critical chance but is situational
  • 1- Adept (Using a skill increases your critical hit chance by x% for 5 seconds) 8.5% Max
  • 2- Proficient (The first bullet shot when out of combat has a x% chance to result in a critical hit) 47% Max

lets talk now about critical hit Damage

the base critical hit Damage is 25%
but from where you can get critical hit Damage ?
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Backpack 20% Max
  • 2- Gloves 40% Max
  • 3- Knee Pads 20% Max
Gear Mods ? No
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 4- Striker 3 Set Bonus 50%
  • 5- Hunter Faith 2 Set Bonus (+20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Damage) Only Marksman Rifle
Weapon Talents
  • 6- Deadly (Critical hit damage is increased by x%) 27% Max
Weapon Mods
  • 7- Muzzle 38% Max
  • 8- Magazine 38% Max
in total you can get 258% and 278% For Marksman Rifle
and yes you can get 100% more from pulse (Mod:Tactical Scanner)
so the higher you can get is ......... 358% and 378% For Marksman Rifle

Now lets talk about Headshot Damage

the base Headshot Damage is depends on the weapon
  • all SMG 50%
  • all Marksman Rifle 171% (Max)
  • all Assault Rifle 75%
  • all LMG 100%
  • all Shotgun 80%
  • all Pistol 100%
but from where you can get Headshot Damage ?
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 1- Sentry Call Gear 2 Set Bonus 30%
Weapon Talents
  • 2- Brutal (Headshot damage is increased by x% when using this weapon) 24.5% Max
Weapon Mods
  • 3- Optics 23.5% Max
Gear Talents
  • 4- Gloves (Decisive:Headshots with the sidearm deal x% more damage) 25% max (onlyPistol)
in total you can get 249% Headshot Damage Max (on Marksman Rifle)

Now let talk about + Damage buffs

from where you can get + Damage buffs ?
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 1-Sentry Call Gear 4 Set Bonus 45% or 51% not sure 100% (For 10 sec)
Gear Talents
  • 2- Reckless (You deal x% more damage and receive 10% more damage.) 13.5%
Weapon Talents
  • 3- Competent (Weapon damage is increased by x% for 10 seconds after using a skill) 13.5% Max
  • 4- Prepared (Damage is increased by x% when more than 40 meters from the target) 13.5% Max
  • 5- Responsive (Damage is increased by x% when closer than 10 meters to the target) 13.5% Max
Skills Buffs
  • 6- First Aid (Mod: Booster Shot) 15% (For 10 sec)
  • 7- Smart Cover (All Mods) 50% Max (For 20 sec) you can increase the duration
Weapon Mods
  • 8- Magazine 14% Max (ty dettbizzle for reminder ;) )
in total you can get 164.5% +Damage for 10 sec ( of you have Prepared or Responsive )
i add more Weapon Talents that give you + Damage buffs but is situational
  • 1- Provident (The last bullet in your magazine deals x% bonus damage) 57% Max (you cant have thes Talent on LMG and Shotgun )
  • 2- Expert (This weapon deals 100% more damage when the target is below 30% health) only Pistol
  • 3- Unforgiving (Missing health segments increases your damage: 1 missing segment +x%; 2 missing segments +y%.) 23.5% Max

you can have some more + Damage vs Elites

Gear Set Bonuses
  • 1- Sentry Call Gear 3 Set Bonus 20%
  • 2- Hunter Faith 3 Set Bonus 20%
Gear major attribute
  • 3- Mask 12% Max
  • 4- Body Armor 9% Max
  • 5- Gloves 12% Max
  • 6- Knee Pads 6% Max
Weapon Talents
  • 7- Ferocious (Damage against elite and named enemies is increased by x%) 13.5% Max
in total you can get 92.5% Damage vs Elites
I don't count Armor destruction vs Elites value yet
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 1- Striker 2 Set Bonus 20%
Weapon Talents
  • 2- Destructive (Armor destruction value is increased by x% when using this weapon) 18% Max
so ( 38% + 92.5% = 130.5% of the Elites have Armor ) I mean by armor to white bar top of Elites health for the people don't know

last and not least

plus weapon damage !!!

do you know every one plus weapon damage equal to one firearms !!
and also do (Damage scaling)
and do you know after the 1.2 patch new way to get plus weapon damage ?
let me show you the best you can get for plus weapon damage for every weapon shall we ?
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 508 SMG weapon damage Max
Marksman Rifle
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 2379 Marksman Rifle weapon damage Max
Assault Rifle
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 678 Assault Rifle weapon damage Max
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 2- Predator Mark 3 Set Bonus 800 Assault Rifle weapon damage
    in total 1478 Assault Rifle weapon damage
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 678 LMG weapon damage Max
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 2- Lone Star 3 Set Bonus 1000 LMG weapon damage
    in total 1678 LMG weapon damage
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 678 Shotgun weapon damage Max
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 2- Lone Star 3 Set Bonus 1000 Shotgun weapon damage
    in total 1678 Shotgun weapon damage
and of course we don't forget the Pistol ;P
Gear major attribute
  • 1- Gloves 678 Pistol damage Max
  • 2- Holster 339 Pistol damage Max
Gear Set Bonuses
  • 2- Predator Mark 3 Set Bonus 700 Pistol weapon damage
    in total 1717 Pistol weapon damage ***
by the way of i say (Max) is mean the highest number you can get I hope you like my post my name in uplay is (CV_Black_Dragon) feel free to ask me about anything in the game and have a wonderful day everyone peace :D

edit: added armor value of 6*240 gear set items.
source: The Division Gearing Cheat Sheet


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