Friday, October 9, 2020

How to climb, improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes - League of Legends by Zen Coaching

 How to climb & improve efficiently & spot your own mistakes by a D1/Master NA/KR Player

Hello, I coach LoL/Master Tier fill player. I am currently in Korea attempting to hit grand-master tier. I have achieved the rank of 100LP in NA playing Mid/JG & D2 as ADC & Top. I also work for Blitz.GG as their League of Legends content scriptwriter (more releases on their channel soon on my work) Below I posted some videos, hopefully, to help people climb with the last few weeks of season 10 finishing up. The videos are fairly advanced for most of the viewer base (I say some things assuming the viewer already is adept at the game) so please feel free to ask questions.

The first video discusses how to have a game plan going into the game - sequencing waves and knowing what to do on each wave. In many cases, players will die on certain waves and not be able to determine why they ended up dying in the first place. Looking at previous waves and identifying the mistake can fix this and improve a player greatly. These sequences can also work in the side lanes (however may change slightly due to the lane being longer) - I can answer any questions about that if needed.

Wave Sequencing In The Early Game

Video #1: Wave Sequencing

The second video covers more advanced macro. Lane swaps, what to do after lane phase as each role, how to play around the objectives, bleed swaps, reading CS and knowing where to move relative to Jungle routes, understanding tempo, and much more.

Advanced Macro In LoL

Video #2: Advanced Macro in LoL

Good luck.


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