Friday, June 12, 2020

EVERYTHING You MUST Know BEFORE Starting Ranked - League of Legends by squeakypeeky

So! You're new to league, and you want to play ranked

This post is dedicated to the many, many posts from new players who want to jump into the most competitive arena that league of legends has to offer, but don't know where to start. There are a billion guides out there on how to climb, on what roles to play, on what to do, but so many of them carry assumed knowledge of the game that new players don't have. So, as a reasonably new player who's gotten over the initial brutality of ranked, I figured I'd have a crack at explaining what the fuck is going on. I'd post my, but if you're just starting your ranked career it won't mean anything to you, and if you're an experienced player you will wonder why the fuck someone in bronze 4 with a sub 45% win rate is making a guide. So without further ado....
Ranked is a totally different experience to normal game types, whether it be draft, blind pick or coop vs AI. Draft is definitely the most similar, however remember that people take ranked extremely seriously and with that comes a lot of frustration. In your first games, this WILL be levelled at you. This is not something I am going to sugar coat - the first 20 games of ranked at LEAST are going to be really, really tough.
If you are a genuinely new player, you will have played a lot of summoners rift. You have probably played a couple of hundred matches on there at this point, and you may even be feeling quite confident in your abilities. Here's the thing - your first 10 games are called "placements". See, in order to make league matches fair, you have a hidden ranking in all modes called your MMR. The LoL placement matches begin at the "average" MMR, which is approximately silver 1 or Gold 4. Now, as a new player, your mechanical ability will (probably) not match these players. However, your game knowledge will DEFINITELY not match them. You are going to start off your league career by taking some absolute fucking beatings, and I'm sorry to say that there is very little that you can do about this. You will be upset because you are playing against players with much more experience than you. Your teammates, who are trying to do their best to succeed, will be even more upset because they are now at a disadvantage. There is nothing you can do about this, I am sorry. I propose muting literally everyone in the game, playing the absolute best you can and ignoring their attempts to vent their frustration. Report anyone who is especially nasty though - remember you have a right to play this game, and this is not your fault either.
After your first game, you will be given a "provisional" rank, usually about Iron 1. However. Your MMR will not match your rank, because these two things are seperate. These next games will not be any easier - you will likely face Silver's for the entirety of your placement matches. I went 3/7 in my placements, and ended at Iron 1 with 70 LP. Those 3 games I won were games I simply farmed under tower and stayed the fuck out of everyone's way and let my teammates carry my stupid ass. Once I finished placements, I continued to play ranked. It took me about 15 or 16 games total until I was no longer guaranteed to be the worst person on my team - just probably. But, I have to say -
It was around that time I really, genuinely started to enjoy these games. They were brutal, tense, and engaging - a huge improvement over normals. In unranked matches I had rarely seen masteries over 4 or 5 - in my ranked matches everyone had a mastery score of 6 or 7, and I watched people do shit I had never considered possible. The big difference between normals and ranked, I think, is the way people pilot their champions. I remember playing against a Yasuo as a new player and thinking "why does everyone hate this champion? His wall thing is annoying I guess but he's not that tanky idk". The difference between someone playing a champion for the 10th or 20th time and someone playing them for the 1000th is very, very different. I had to relearn my lane matchups from scratch.
"Oh yeah right Caitlyn's traps are annoying why the fuck does she place them everywhere" becomes
"Ah, this Caitlyn isn't using her traps, ok well I'll push her and... Net, trap, I panic flash, she ults and I'm dead. What the fuck is this?"
Ranked is a different atmosphere, a different level. When you find an ELO you belong in, pilot a champ you understand against someone else who's doing the same? Its an incredible game, truly it is, and normals will never be the same for you.
New players - I recommend getting into ranked as soon as you can. You can play a thousand hours of normals but they'll never really prepare you for what you are going to experience. Be prepared to lose till you can win, and remember that one day the situation will be reversed. Good luck out there.

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