Friday, August 23, 2019

How to Control Waves like a Diamond Player - League of Legends by Gimmers

How to Control Waves like a Diamond Player: The Basics

League of Legends

lol guide tips tutorial beginners guide league of legends
This guide covers the basic methods of wave control, and then goes on to explain how and why you would want to use them. It's important stuff to have down, as the knowledge will be assumed in the more advanced videos I plan on releasing in the future. It's also very important to know as a Support or Jungler! Even if you aren't normally playing a lane oriented role, the lanes matter so much, and how you impact the minions and wave is super important too.
Here's the video:

It gives you the tools to make the decision yourself of when to use the methods mentioned in this video, and that kind of learning is how you really improve. It doesn't go through too many examples of situations where you'd want to utilise these methods, as there are a million different ways that depend on the situation, and I don't think going through them without giving enough context is helpful for learning.
Some of my future videos will take on understanding lane dynamics/power discrepancies and why you might be having trouble climbing or improving, which I think are things that everyone could learn from!
I've really appreciated all the feedback I've got so far, the positive and negative feedback has been very helpful. I made the decision to stick my face on the screen to give you something to look at (and fixed the eye-hurting background - I hope). It's the first time I've tried to read a script and appear on screen though, so I definitely need to work on it!
I hope you guys find the video useful. I have a lot to improve on still in terms of presentation and editing, but we're all here to learn! Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have a lot of knowledge about the game and I am trying my best to share it in a way that makes it enjoyable to learn. Cheers!

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