Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Heroes of the Storm - Is Kharazim your kind of guy? [by MrTransparent]

As some of you may know, commonly now 2 weeks after a heroes release its gold price is reduced from 15k to 10k today (from 10pm to 11:59 pm bst in my experience).

So many want to know, is this hero for me? is he worth 10k or should I just palm him to one side?
Here are a few points I've observed, as I unfortunately couldn't buy kharazim myself :
  • Capable solo healer (especially with echo of heaven)
  • Great aoe heal, in a short range,
  • great mobility, kit full of speed boosts and blinks
  • "scary" single target damage (barely lethal, but not to be taken lightly)
  • no aoe damage (doesn't kill infernal shrines goblins well)
  • huge utility, unique cleanse on heal, foresight blink, as well as just the standard talents,
  • can help retreat and make gaps due to staying behind then blinking back,
  • divine palm is great in chaotic fights, not so much in methodical fighting,
  • 7 sided strike is ok on a single target, not great on many targets, gives you a few seconds of essential immunity, but means you're not in the fight to heal team mates
  • the trait choice seems to have been cornered, as heal on strike gives more sustain to himself , and more heal to others.
I did want to make this thread super fancy with YouTube vids and where people rate him on a tier list, but I'm on a boat in the English countryside at the moment.

If you're still not sure do remember he will most likely be free to play in about 3 weeks time. 


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