Friday, July 3, 2015

Guide and Tips To Play Zeratul by SoldanoHots - Heroes of the Storm

There's a reason why zeratul is 1st pick/1st ban lately in competitive games.

I've been maining zeratul as my main assassin. Climbed to rank 1 playing him mostly. His general gameplay is massive poke damage. You just jump in throw all your cooldowns on a target and jump back to safety with wormhole. He's an absolute terror if played correctly and the skill ceiling on him is one of the highest if not the highest in the game, so here's a couple of tips I've gathered up if anyone interested!.

-Before you get wormhole at 13 you need to walk to the target you want to damage and blink out. You can blink offensively only if u 100% sure it's safe and you will walk out freely.

-After you get wormhole, u need to position yourself in a safe spot. From the sides, behind a wall, from a bush. The biggest thing you need to remember is you can actually move however you like after you did the blink, so u can blink - walk towards the target - combo him with auto attacks then wormhole back to the spot you jumped from. The distance is actually huge if u do this and it's very safe.

-Above 2 auto attacks in general are a waste unless your certain you will kill the target and survive, zeratut overall damage is insane no matter what, if you stay on the target the auto attacks will be painful! but it's very easy after you did your whole combo to wait the cooldowns and finish the job. Don't risk yourself out of greediness. You are a poke hero, much like kt in some ways, take your time, don't get greedy because you will be punished for it you are extremely squishy.

-If the enemy team has alot of cc you need to actually figure out when it's safe to dump all your abilities and when u Cant do it all. Throwing the bomb is sometimes a matter of u get cc'ed by the enemy team and die. If u feel it's not safe and the enemy team has alot of cc, just jump q auto attack and go out. Be very fast before they can react to what your doing.

-His VP is one of the hardest to pull off because it has so many uses. Either split the enemy team, escape if u screw up or save people in general, you need to adjust during the game itself to the comp your up against and figure when it's smart to vp, will it clash with your party abilities or path. Which targets and where to put the vp down. The possibilities are endless but extremely devastating if u pull off a good vp. you can make a 5v5 a 1v5-2v5-3v5-4v5 everything is possible and the targets you choose to vp matter alot.

-You should focus the squishys because you can do it very safely. But if u see a support, tank or other less then ideal target, and you got the backup or aware about how punished you will get. U can even focus the tank or support. Free damage is always good no matter what. Psychologicly or straight up pressuring their support and make them afraid of you. you are a terror and if you play well the enemy team will get desperate because they cant catch you, which is a diversion by itself. if you troll the enemy team so hard, your group will carry for you because you are drawing way too much attention. be as annoying as possible. don't die and finish targets. I had alot of games when my early game I ganked way too much, and when the 5v5 team fights started to happen I wasn't as effective damage wise, but because I took so much focus and the enemy team prioritized killing me above everyone else, we won the game because my team mates flanked them while I was making them go in circles, doing nothing!

Skill tree is:

lvl 1- your preference, seasoned marksman can be cool on small maps, but even then with the buff to regen master last patch it's way better you get tons of sustain, and don't need to B back all that much.
lvl 4, focused attack 100%
lvl 7, follow throw 100% that's when zeratul get's his biggest power spike and start to wreck ppl up.
lvl 10, vp.
lvl 13, wormhole. another power spike because you can do damage more often and more safely.
lvl 16 is interesting. the obvious choice is more damage with double bombs. less damage more safety is rending cleave. and if you like to be very aggressive take stoneskin because it will save you and u can be more greedy with it. I personally take stoneskin because I tend to be very aggressive.
lvl 20, 2 choices are viable the same. nexus blade is more safe but rewind can deal much more damage and much more versatile. If your starting though get nexus blade 100% it's getting extremely hard to play zeratul with rewind and he becomes one of the hardest heroes to play with rewind.

Hope all this has been helpful with your zeratul play and have fun tearing ppl up.


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