Friday, April 17, 2020

A Teammate's Guide to Yuumi - League of Legends by 3kindsofsalt

I was playing with a friend the other day and he became frustrated and said part of the problem was not knowing exactly what Yuumi does. I know what he means, because he knows what her abilities are, but he’s not going to play 40 Yuumi games just to figure out how to play with her. Then I realized that lots of soloqueue teammates play around Yuumi all wrong, both with and against her. Someone should just write a guide so they don't have to play a bunch of the cat or int 50 games to figure it out. So here it is.

Who she is
It is important to understand a little of the history of Yuumi because a lot of perception of her has to do with her identity over the past year, which has changed wildly in many ways.
Yuumi on release was essentially a teammate mega-buff. With a Yuumi on you, you could never die, and you could kill anyone. She could negate CC and skillshots, she could engage or disengage, and she had sustain for days. Soon, due to everyone playing her badly, they buffed her. She became an absolute cannon, annihilating people both in lane and late game with full AP scaling builds, and sharing incredible amounts of adaptive force with her partner. Obviously, people enjoyed doing this but hated dealing with it so she ended up in balance hell. The result is her current state of being an almost completely brainless champion that could literally be played by a relatively simple macro. A guy recently hit diamond playing Ezreal with his hands and Yuumi with his feet at the same time.
What a Yuumi does or does not do in game is almost entirely regulated by her kit itself in its current state. She doesn’t choose how often to heal or when a slow is appropriate, her kit decides that for the player. Everything is gated by huge mana costs, restrictive cooldowns, and strange ability interactions. To be honest, she feels really awful to play right now, and it has made me appreciate spamming things that are fun and meta because one day they will be gone forever. The fun of Yuumi in Season 9(which I and many others had even when she had a 28% winrate) is a thing of the past, but maybe in the future it’ll be fun again in a different way. I only play Yuumi still because I have put so much time into her that I can play her very optimally, but I realize she’s currently in a state of something like Skarner or old Garen where she’s got almost no skill expression other than creative builds to cover her weaknesses.

What she does
I assume everyone who has played League in the past year knows the following about Yuumi:
  1. She has a homing missile
  2. Her ult roots if it hits you 3 times
  3. She can’t be targeted when attached.
This is a reasonable start if you’re a teammate or opponent, but not if you are her partner or her lane opponent. Here is her kit in terms of restrictions and abilities.

Yuumi’s passive is on a 15 second cooldown. When its ready, her auto attack has a slightly less suicidal range. It also provides her a permanent shield if she hits an enemy champion, and gives her about enough mana for one ability.
Opponent: If Yummi is trying to poke you in person, she’s not doing it for the damage. Its either for money, mana, or a shield. The shield is big enough that she can trade an auto with a draven and get the mana bonus without really taking damage. This is a great time to try to kill the cat. She has to do it or she will be broke/manaless all game, but it’s insanely hard to reliably do without dying thanks to the billion nerfs to her W dash.
Teammate: If you see her off of you, she’s not doing damage. It’s for mana/money/shield, none of which is for herself. It behooves you to stay in range of her dash the way you would with a Braum or Rakan, except if you get out of range from Yuumi, it’s often a death sentence. Her passive is critical to providing you with shielding, ardent, and her some mana to get through the game. If a Yuumi is permanently sitting on you no matter what, either there are 2+ hyper fed assassins running around everywhere, or the player is giving you half a champion worth of a teammate. Imagine a Zac that never collected his own blobs—he’s not pathing like an idiot, it’s how the champion works. Yuumi isn’t inting by detaching, Riot is literally trying to force Yuumi players off their teammates.

Her missile charges and after it lives for a little while, it applies a slow and some % health damage. It is expensive at first and super cheap late.
Opponent: The turn radius on her Q is pretty obtuse. If you step slightly into it, but to the side(like 30-40 degrees off of it’s path), it will miss you the same way a Nunu snowball or ulting Sion does. If you try to run away from it, it will probably hit you(unless you’re really fast, because it does time out). You can also stand in minions for them to body block it.
Teammate: The circle that shows up around you is the max range of Yuumi’s Q. If you want to be good, step up and help her land it. If you want to make her curse your family, step back when it is in the air so it blows 95 of her mana and doesn’t even get a spellthief proc. She will be both OOM and broke and your enemy will be full hp.

This is the key of her identity. While attached to a teammate, she can’t be targeted and shares some adaptive force. If she has a passive shield, you get it instead. Her Q becomes a homing missile while attached. The same thing applies to both sides on this one: Cooldowns. This is a free ability, and you can go between teammates as much as you want. But here’s the 2 things:
  1. You can’t attach to someone twice in rapid succession. If you hop on and off, you’re stuck off for 8 seconds. If an unattached yuumi hops on you, she cannot detach for a while. If she didn’t get her passive shield while unattached…oh well, sucks to suck.
  2. If you are CC’d when dashing or simply unattached, your W goes on a cooldown. This absolutely sucks, and is probably responsible for 70%+ of every death I have on Yuumi anymore. It’s a death sentence nerf, because a single Thresh flay means a double kill, and as stated before, you CANNOT play the game attached 100% of the time.

Zoomies! It’s the heal, but it’s also a steroid. It gives you MS and AS. It’s an Ardent-style buff that applies Ardent.
Opponent: It’s got a very long cooldown. The key to countering Yuumi(not just counterplay but hardcountering) is BURST. Yuumi can sustain heals and shields and slows and steroids over and over and over without backing. But if you hit her teammate with a fat draven crit and then Rengar pops out of a bush, there’s literally nothing she can do. She’s not Soraka, Nami or Janna. Once you land a huge hit on her partner, and then she heals it back up with a fat athenes-aery-revitalize heal, just go right in again. Don’t even hesitate, because it IS on cooldown.
Also, Executioner's Calling is only 800g. Buy one.
Teammate: It’s also horrifically expensive. If you want heals in lane before she has Athenes, she will need to get her passive procs to afford to do anything. The biggest thing this thing does is speed you up and give you a steroid, so it’s often good to do just for faster rotations or to proc aery shield.

I think everyone gets this one. She just spits out an ult that roots if it hits three times. I don’t think it is that hard to dodge or that hard to aim as her teammate, it’s pretty straightforward. The damage is minimal these days.

She can’t peel (except ult backwards and speed you up to help you run away). Her Q slow can’t even be applied at short range because it needs to charge.
As a result of this passive and her cooldowns, her level 1 maximum play angle is to land a Q missile, detach and get an auto off for free while the enemy is CSing, and re-attach to wait for level 2. Her ability to rush level 2 is super terrible, and her level 2 powerspike is not good. She’s a way better level 1 champion than most are at lvl2, she can just only do things at level 1 every 15 seconds. Her early game is really bad. Her autos do negative damage and she has no ability to tank, so after doing “ability+auto” at level 1, she literally has every possible ability or useful interaction on cooldown.
She scales well late and helps her team in sustained teamfights and skirmishes. She also is able to help her ally run down almost anyone. If the enemy team is hard engaging, she won’t be much use, but if they are trying to flee, she’s going to help you get them. If a Yuumi or her teammate is fed, focus the Yuumi. Her best partners are often not even ADCs, they are often juggernauts and bruisers. Some champions are very, very tricky for Yuumi to support, including Ekko, Jhin, Mordekaiser and Ezreal, because a little de-sync and she’s detached and probably dead(or can’t get to you anymore to help you). The ones she is easiest to pilot with are ones that want a gap closer but don’t have one, and are fairly immobile ability-wise (like Garen, Ashe, Udyr, etc). She wants there to be a long, sustained DPS fight, or to be super fed and attached to an assassin or ADC with massive one-shot potential.
There is a rhythm to her abilities that must be played around. If you don’t, she just doesn’t have the fat numbers she used to that enabled her to sit patiently and hold her heal for a clutch moment, you pretty much just spam it on cooldown and while it’s down, it’s down.
In lane she should make the enemy feel like they can’t touch her, and then she keeps popping out and poking them without them being able to get her. She’s very good at baiting out skillshots(provided your teammate doesn’t flinch) because her W is free and the dash is pretty fast. Unfortunately, there is this stupid ¼ second lag-style cooldown on cast that makes it seem like she has the reaction time of a potato, but its sometimes still worth doing.
When the jungler comes in to gank, step up so Yuumi can zoom to them. She will be much better on them and probably able to get back to you pretty easily unless your jungler just runs it down.
There are a lot of buggy ass interactions where she is attached already and CC abilities still land, instantly detaching her, and where she detaches and isn’t targetable for a split second, sometimes. They made her dash interruptable and when they did, it got very very buggy.
A good Yuumi will abandon you. This is because there’s only so much she can do, and it’s not even a hard choice—her entire HUD is gray and literally everything is on cooldown. If her passive shield gets broken and it’s got 10s of CD left, and she heals and you’re still going to die…there’s literally nothing she can do. One of the key traits of a good Yuumi is knowing when is the earliest possible moment to abandon a teammate and not give over a double kill.
For God’s sake people, give her a ride from the fountain. She has the base MS of a newborn caterpillar.

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