Monday, September 23, 2019

How to carry with Evelynn - Teamfight Tactics by Pierre XPT

Evelynn Carry is getting HOT in Korea. Here is how they play it!

Hey everyone.
I'm back with a new guide with a build inspired by the Koreans. Thanks for all the feedback so far by the way so far on my other guides, overall it has been very good.
Here are the recent guides I wrote that are still relevant in the meta (although they are unupdated, and maybe I would change a couple of minor details):
In this new guide I will talk about the new flavor of the week over in Korea, this is Evelynn. I have been spending many hours analyzing top Korean streamers. Most recently I have been checking out SCSC95 as he is the one that has been streaming the most recently out of him, Jinsoo, and Portialyn. And over the past few days, I have been surprised to see Evelynn get more and more popular on the Korean server, to the point where now, she is in fact the most contested 3 cost unit in the entire game. Everyone is picking her up and fitting her into various comps. Although there is one comp in particular that the Koreans seem to prefer the most if possible. This guide is going to try and cover that particular build.
20 min video guide with timestamps in description:
The concept behind this build composition
There was a build in Reddit earlier that had similar concepts, which was to try and get 6 knights and fit in Evelynn with another carry. This is quite similar, but a bit optimized as it is easier to reach since you won't need to pick up Kayle. Also some of the 1 cost knights such as Garen, Darius, Mordekaiser, simply lose value the longer the game goes on as units. Instead of getting 6 knights, we want to get guardians, and at least 2 knights.
The lategame team composition will be consisted of 6 core units then:
Evelynn: She will be our main carry who we want to prioritize getting items onto.
Brand: This is the preferred second demon and partner to evelynn. Not only is Brand simply an amazing unit right now, but also Brand synergizes very well with Evelynn, since Eve deals burst damage but might not finish targets off. Brand helps Eve a lot, his ult will either bring a target down low enough for Eve to execute the target, or Evelynn will ult first leaving targets low while Brand cleans up. Though we can use Varus (preferably) or another demon as a filler until we find Brand.
Sejuani: The best knight in the game after Kayle with a game breaking ultimate. Bring tankiness, frontline, and AOE CC.
Poppy: Another very good knight, though Kayle would be preferred in the lategame.
Braum and Leona: Guardians to buff up our most important units. But Braum + Sejuani does also offer Glacial synergy which is not insignificant.
With this build, you will find that Evellyn will be extremely tanky and protected by the knights + guardians. The demon proc allows her to ult more frequently and she will often be the last person standing in your team but still be able to single handedly take down entire teams. Brand is going to be Evelynn's partner, who either finishes off any low health champs for Evelynn, or damages them, allowing evelynn to execute.
Early game
Pick up as many knights and demons as you can. In the lategame, your comp will usually have either have 4 knights or 4 demons along with those 6 core units. Also make sure to pick up Braum and Leona. Regarding levelling and eco, quite standard and depends game to game how strong you are. Usually level up to 6 after krugs and 7 after wolves. This is a build guide that isn't focused on levelling/eco so we won't cover that much here.
Ideally you will have Evelynn + at least one other demon and 2 knights. Varus is a great early demon to pick up as he can hold Brand items really well, and then later once we find Brand 2 we can put in Brand and transfer items. Although if we find Aatrox and Morgana earlygame, they should also be used in general with Evelynn. Including some demons overall, seem very popular now in Korea in many different comps.
Ideally we would put 3 exact items onto Evelynn. These 3 items are:
Dragons Claw: Makes Evelynn take extremely little damage from any magic damage or abilities. I would say this is the number 1 most important item as since Evelynn is no longer targetted after an ult, she needs to worry about magic damage more than consistent damage.
Guardian Angel: Evelynn already is one of the only units in the game who can stop being focused after each ult (the other one is Rengar). GA also does this. GA also helps to clean up fights as the last person standing in the team.
Hextech Gunblade: If there is no anti heal, then she can pretty much get back all her health from one execution. This also helps her to deal some extra damage.
Other items that can work for her are tanky items. Items such as Warmogs or Phantom Dancer can work. As for damage items, Koreans prefer not to put too much extra damage on her as her ult already deals more than enough damage. Mana items such as seraphs or Ludens are not bad though. But defensive items such as those mentioned above are the prefered 3.
Since stacking Evelynn with items is so important. I would suggest to try pick up a sword early game as we can build GA and Hextech Gunblade with it. Although Rod or Negatron Cloak are not bad either.
Other general items that are always good:
More Guardians Angels: Can work well on champions such as Sejuani or Aatrox or Swain.
Morellonomicon: Great item for both Sejuani or Brand. Right now, Koreans prefer to put it on Brand.
Those would be the main items. After this, Koreans prefer to put items onto Brand. Other than Morellos on Brand, Brand really excels with attack speed items as he is an elemental and elementals gain double mana from autoattacks. This means items such as Shojins Spear, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Statikk Shiv, RFC, Runaans Hurricane, all work great with Brand.
Lategame end builds
At level 7 there isn't usually much you can add if you already got the 6 core units. However a lot of times, you won't have the 6 core units at level 6, and still have some unupgraded units or transitional units. In this case, you want to complete that 6 man core squad at level 7, whilst preparing for level 8.
That being said, if you do pick up an early spatula. There are very good uses for it, to give you an earlier power spike at level 7. You will be able to pick up 4 of a kind at level 7 already. The preferred use of spatula right now by the Koreans is Darkin > Knights Vow > Frozen Mallet.
You can also replace Aatrox for Morgana or Swain. But basically you got 4 demons.
Here I replaced GA on Eve for Knights Vow. Not sure if maybe it is better to put it on Brand or a Guardian in this situation. But you get 4 knights.
Glacial isn't super highly valued, but this allows us to get elementals at level 8.
Now if we don't have a spatula item, we generally just collect units on our bench that we could potentially put in at level 8 to get 4 demons or 4 knights, whilst having a 3rd demon or knight out in the arena.
Here I stacked items onto our 3 strongest demons in this comp. Very strong lategame. With a GA+Redemption on Aatrox, which is a great combo, and stacking Brand also allowed him to do tons of damage, where in this stage in the game we should definitely have him 2* by now.
In general I think 4 demons is the better version, as with 4 knights we won't have much use for a 1 cost unit. Though if we find Kayle, she is amazing and this is where she can very well fit in certainly. Also if we use Mordekaiser or Darius, then if we level up to 9, we could get 2 imperials or phantom, which will be a good upgrade in the hyper lategame.
Similar to my last guide. I'll be doing a F.A.Q here. Where any good and relevant questions will get answered in this F.A.Q. I will constantly update this F.A.Q. for the next couple days. If I decided not to reply to you personally it is probably because the answer will already be in the F.A.Q. or the question/answer is not relevant to this build guide.
Q: Can I force this build every game.
A: The higher ELO you get the less I would advise to force a comp. I would recommend to have some comps in mind before the game, and then depending on which key pieces you pick up go into that comp (I listed key pieces earlier in the guide for this comp). But I would think that since this is currently not so meta in EU or NA, that it can be forced quite easily right now and get consistent top 4.
Q: How would you rate the build?
A: I have limited experience and am currently testing this out a lot/trying to abuse it for a bit before it maybe gets meta in the west. Though I did beat a lategame nobles team with it that had 3 item 2* yasuo, and 3 item 2* GP and 3 items 1* kayle. So I definitely think it is viable, I'm not sure how I would rate it yet. Though judging by how contested Evelynn is, they would rate her as S tier.
Q: Top 4 comp or Top 1?
A: Seems like a comp that has a good early spike and can power through to lategame and keep being strong in lategame to get top 1. Though definitely lategame, you might run into a situation where Evelynn can no longer 1v9 so you need to have other strong units around her and ramp up the rest of your team. Overall I'd say a very smooth powercurve but not especially strong in any single part of the game, probably there are comps that are better at a certain point of the game such as earlygame, midgame or lategame. But this comp feels very smooth even if not super strong at any point (such as nobles that everyone knows is super strong lategame, but can struggle a bit earlier). In the lategame though, the carry role transfers from Evelynn a bit, onto Brand+Sejuani and other lategame champs you may pick up such as Swain/Kayle/Karthus/Yasuo etc.
Q: What counters this?
A: Put Dragons Claw on your carries, especially your backline carries such as Ashe/Draven/Jinx want a Dragons Claw vs Evelynn otherwise she will just oneshot them. Healing reduction such as Red buff/Morellos is good vs Evelynn also. Hush is also good. Kassadin can be a big pain if he attacks Eve.
Q: Any VoDs or streams to see this in action?
A: I would suggest to check out any of the top Korean Streamers. Recently, I have mostly been watching SCSC95 as he has been streaming the most the past few days. (
Other Korean streamers I would suggest to check out would be Jinsoo:
You can also see this on Keane's stream when he plays in Korea:
They may not play the comp themselves in that game, but you will certainly see at least one other person in the lobby pick up Evelynn and use this comp, if not multiple.
As for a VoD, here is a VoD where I beat 6 nobles (I was basically forcing the comp from the very start since I picked up an early hextech gunblade and Evelynn), I wouldn't recommend such an early force.
Q: Is this comp proven to work?
A: It is the new FOTW comp in Korea. Not proven yet on NA or EU, but Evelynn is now the most contested champion in korea as she is used not only in this comp that focuses on her, but also she is used in other comps such as demon comps or assassin comps. Maybe there could be some more optimization to this comp. Although this seems to me like a more optimized version of the previous 6 knights + eve carry earlier that was used a bit in NA. I'm currently testing it out to see how it works on NA and EU meta. So far so good.
Q: How to position vs hextech + blitzcrank?
A: You could try positioning something like this, here I used 4 demon version at level 8. Standard pyramid position, but Eve and someone else on the other side (here aatrox). And then Morgana + Poppy around Brand.
Q: Doesn't this build get rekt by brawlers+assassins/sorc, or by 6 Nobles? Why is this working in Korea, do Koreans not play nobles or brawlers?
A: A lot of people say this. A lot of people seem to believe that Korea is behind in the meta and they are worse, I believe the opposite, I believe Korea is ahead of the meta. Not only because of their history and culture and success in LoL, Starcraft, Warcraft 3, autochess, etc (yes maybe now others have caught up a lot and even some top players/teams are the best, but still as an entire region they are the strongest in respective games). But also because they were the first to use some of the OP popular comps such as Brawler+Sorc with Ahri carry and then the West copied them. Nobles and brawlers are still very meta in Korea. I just think that Korea has innovated and found some solutions to the brawlers + sorc/assassins or nobles with builds that can at least beat those builds sometimes, and for that reason the Korean meta is simply a lot more diverse and interesting. Of course, this is my opinion, and I could be totally wrong and Korea is in fact worse than EU/NA, however the Korean Rangers build seems to be working quite well according to many now after having tried it. Obviously if you get to hyper lategame and face a player who has Kayle 2 + Yasuo 2 + Draven 3 with items on all of them, yeah you lose, but that is normal.
This part is quite irrelevant to the guide. But here is the key point, even if Korea are significantly worse than NA and EU, surely we can learn from their top players no? I am not crediting Korea for this build because I think they are the best, I am crediting them because this is the most contested build in Korea right now in their interesting meta.
The Eve carry build is now the most meta in build in KR maybe after nobles, and Eve is the most contested unit in KR. This was never the case in NA. The Void sorc build was the most meta build in KR earlier in 9.14 even before the void buffs, and has been slowly getting less popular to demons. This is why I cannot give credit to NA for eve carry when I made my guide and video as it is based off the metas not some niche build comps, hope that makes more sense. I am trying to be as unbiased as possible here. If a meta build is created by a person or a region, then I credit them. For example, if I was to do a guide on Keane build Ele+sorcs+yorldes, I would give him full credits.
Q: How does the comp feel in 9.17?
A: Still works great and one of the strongest comps still. Just put in Pantheon for Leona if you can.
20 min video guide with timestamps in description:
About me:
Thank you for reading and watching the guide and all the great feedback you have given me for all of these in general! I hope this one was also enjoyable for you
I'm a double challenger player with an account on EUW and NA.
I stream almost daily on
I am an analyst for proguides where I do regular VoD reviews.

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