Friday, January 25, 2019

League of Legends - CHALLENGER Solo Q Tierlist [Patch 9.2] by Corrupt Hope

Corrupt Hope's CHALLENGER SoloQ Tierlist [Patch 9.2] - PRO PLAYER APPROVED

Hey everyone, my name's Corrupt Hope and I'm a small NA streamer with a massive passion for league. The majority of tierlists out right now are created by aggregating statistics at each rank stopping at Diamond+. The problem is that due to the incredibly small sample size of Challenger-Master games, none of the tierlists accurately represent what's objectively strong at the highest level of SoloQ. So I set out to create that. I contacted various Pro, Academy, Challenger, and Master players to get their knowledge on what was actually good in SoloQ. They all provided incredibly valuable input


I've split the tierlist into S+, S, A, B, C, and D. For the purpose of climbing to Diamond+, B tier and higher champions are objectively better for SoloQ. I've also added a Legend system where you can see which champions are stronger/weaker in lower elo.
So without further ado I present the Challenger SoloQ Tierlist!


Q: How can this help me, the average Reddit Challenjour?

For the sole purpose of climbing, champions that are B tier and above will be stronger in SoloQ when played effectively. Also the Legend system can help you understand what champions might be 1 tier higher/lower in lower elos. If you can effectively play champions in the S+ to B range your climb will be more streamlined.

Q: Are you saying C/D tier champions are just terrible?

Yes and no. C tier champions are still playable but fill a more niche role in certain team comps or as counters, but they'll struggle against a majority of higher tier champions. D tier champions inherently don't fare well at the highest level of gameplay, although some of them are a bit stronger in lower elos.

Q: I believe X champion should be 1 tier higher/lower!?

I don't really believe this tierlist is absolute but it is very accurate. I didn't just trust my own knowledge on this and sought out the insight Pro-Master players whose names I have credited at the bottom of this post. Three champions that I admit are teetering are Urgot/Aatrox/Irelia. They have just recieved nerfs in Patch 9.2 so it'll be hard to tell if they deserve to be 1 tier lower until some time takes place. That being said their kits are still incredibly strong when played at a Challenger level.

Q: How does this legend system work?

So basically it shows you what champions are stronger/weaker at lower elos. For accuracy's sake that'll be at D4 and below. For example although Ornn is a great pick in Challenger games, in lower elo your team will not know how to follow up on his CC. While Nasus might be a C tier top laner at a Challenger level, he can easily shine in lower elos where teams are unable to properly punish him. Azir/Ryze are known for being terrible in low elo but are incredibly viable in higher elo if played properly. Garen is a low elo Demacian Terror, but quite easy to deal with in higher elo. Each champion with a medal has a stark contrast when played at low/high elo. If you have any questions on one in specific please ask and I'll do my best to explain the reasoning.

Q: Are you saying I should not play champions that are below B tier?

As long as you are truly good with a champion, you can climb to Mid Diamond with pretty much anything. It'll be harder than if you mastered a higher tier champion, but it is definetly possible. After Mid Diamond you'll encounter more Meta players and struggle against objectively better Meta picks

Q: Why did you put X champ in tier?

I'd love to answer your question! Please either ask on reddit or on my stream and I can go in-depth on the reasoning for the placement! I thought about creating a video explaing S+ to B tier picks but not sure if there'd be interest

Q: Wow are these actually alphabetically ordered and Pixel perfect on the champion square placement?!

Yes, yes it is. Thanks Geranium.

Special Thanks

I'd like to give a huge thanks to the following players who were vital to creating this tierlist.
Top: Albus Nox, Revenge
JG: OPT Meteos, Shernfire, Boris, Kind Jungle, Lycho, AceWindstorm
Mid: 5Fire, Julien, ManCloud, Zaion, Bobquin
AD: 100T Prismal, TailsJJ, TEAMLUKEE
Sup: Hanjaro, duoking1, Riot Koyuncu
GF: Geranium (Formatted, perfectly spaced icons, and demanded it be Alphabetically ordered)
EDIT: Updated Karthus to S tier upon re-considering and getting more JG input

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