Friday, August 18, 2017

League of Legends - Random Tips For Low Elo Players by HelloImJoshSwirl

Hello I'm Josh and these are some random Tips for low elo players:

Deep Enemy Jungle Control Ward

  • A control ward costs only 75 gold but can provide so much value. I like to buy a control ward usually by the second time I base. Place it deep in the enemy’s jungle. This is my favorite spot to place it. Sometimes, it takes the enemies 10-15 minutes to catch the ward. By that time, the ward has spotted the enemy jungler multiple times as he takes his red/krugs.
  • Keeping track of the enemy jungler is very important because it lets your laners play aggressive knowing that the enemy jungler is nowhere near by. It also lets your jungler invade the opposite side of the enemy jungle and gank without fear of being counter ganked.

Engage Comp

  • Know how to use an engage comp. Engage champions include but are not limited to: Rakan, Kled, Sion, Malphite, etc. How do you use these comps? During mid-game, you should look to have a side lane slow push (you can do this by trimming the enemy wave just a tad bit). This makes it so that your wave will inevitably become massive and slowly push towards the enemy’s towers.
  • After you get the lane slow shoving, you group with your team as 5! When one of the enemies goes to catch the wave that has built up, their team is now 4 v 5. The iron is hot, this is your time to strike! The enemies won’t want to fight you when you have a numbers advantage, but you have an engage comp so it doesn’t matter. Press R and force them to fight you. Once they die, take your objective (tower, dragon, herald, baron). Rinse and repeat.

Input Buffering Spells

  • This is an extremely important mechanic. For those who don’t know what input buffering is, it’s when you pre-cast certain spells when you are out of range, then you flash towards your enemies and the spell is cast instantaneously leaving the enemy with no chance to react.

  • For example, if you are playing Pantheon and you see your enemy with low health but you're out of range and they are running away. You know they have flash and that if you flash, they will flash at the same time. You're not sure if you will have enough time to cast your Q (spear). Whilst out of range, cast your Q on them and your character will run towards them. Next, flash into range and your Q will cast as soon as you enter range. They will have no time to react. Sometimes you kill people before they have the chance to flash.
  • This works will all point and click spells.

During a gank, bait enemies with the cannon minion

  • Have you ever tried to gank a lane, but you can’t choose the perfect moment when the enemy laner is going to walk up in lane and make himself vulnerable? The answer is cannon minions. An enemy is almost never going to let a cannon minion die without farming it.
  • When the cannon minion is about to die, you can bet your butt that the enemy is going to walk up. That is the exact moment that you should leap from the bush and gank.

Summoner Spell Timers

  • Call out enemy summoners when they use them. You can check whether your opponents are running the insight mastery (15% lower Summoner Spell cooldown) by hovering their summoners in the score board during a game. The standard flash cooldown is 5 minutes or 300 seconds, but people running the insight mastery will have a cooldown of 4 minutes and 15 sec or a total of 255 seconds.
  • Many people sometimes click on the summoners on the scoreboard to call them out, but people rarely remember the timers on those. No one’s going to scroll back up in the chat and see when you pinged Yasuo’s summoners.
  • Call out when your laner’s summoner spells come back. For example, you can say “Yasuo flash 8:00”. Make sure to remind your team once or twice what the timer of your laner’s blow summoners is if you think you have kill potential. A jungler is more likely to gank for you if they know that your opponent's summoner spells are on cooldown.
If you want a bunch more random tips that every low elo player should know, check out the post I made a few months ago.

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